Tuesday 10 November 2009

No News Is Good News: Message and Interpretation

Feedback from other students:

Which statement/fact/question is being communicated to you?

-The statement being communicated is the consumption of non renewable fuels is leading to the destruction of the forests.

-It is to do with us using too much paper causing too many trees to be cut down.

What could be developed further?

-Posters have been developed well with all of the imagery and text clearly laid out with a consistent theme running throughout all three posters.

-Type is sometimes a little diificult to read on the text only poster.

Is a statment, fact or question being posed?

-Yes the type choice is appropriate, gets info across quickly and to who its intended for. Pacman symbol is easily recognisable and its obvious what is ocurring in the imagery.

-Yes a statement about consumption is posed through image.

Are the posters simple and to the point?



Has the restriction of two colours plus stock been met?



Are the two colours and stock choice appropriate?



Why are they appropriate/inappropriate?

-Black bring the type and illustration together and the yellow pacman makes a focal point.

-Yellow and black work well together and are consistently used.

Do the posters work as a set or series?



Why do/don't they work as a set or series?

-Type is simple and consistent, image is effective.

-Try different stocks, but image and text are similar all the way through, same colours and simple images work well.

Is it clear which poster is type/image/type & image?



Are the posters memorable, high impact and clear?

-The poster make an impact. Image poster and text and image are particularly successful.

-Message is apparent as soon as you look at the posters, also there are more subtles things included such as the word destruction disintergrating. Work well as a set.

Do you feel the brief is fulfilled to its full potential?



Further Feedback.

-I think it is a clever and clear idea with various aspects such as the pacman symbol and yellow cells in the typeface included, they are successful as a set and link together well.

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