Monday, 10 January 2011

Raw Design Studio

We create thoughtful pieces of design and creative communications, with a focus on craftsmanship and collaboration.
Ours is a simple approach: we take the time to get to know our clients, we do all that we can to understand the people they’re trying to reach, then we take what we know and create memorable, relevant pieces of work.
We look after the people we work with and we like to think that we make the creative process enjoyable for everyone involved.
The ability to deliver good ideas and strong design transcend sectors but most of our work tends to be within health, sports, Corporate Social Responsibility and communications for youthful audiences.

Raw Design Studio
The Engine House
Islington Mill Studios
James Street
Salford, Greater Manchester
M3 5HW

T: 0161 839 2260
F: 0161 839 9101

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